
My Little Creator

LittleL.G. is constantly creating. Whenever I turn around she is making something in the "art room". It might be a drawing, or a sign, or a book. She is constantly bringing ideas of ridiculous things she wants to create. Things like the life-sized doll out of paper- which we managed to execute. And things like a tight rope across the living room- which we could not. But she is never discouraged or daunted by her imagination. She will make great things. 

Today, she scavenged a shoe box from the recycling and insisted it would become a trailer for her bike that SlimJim could ride in. Well... no three year old is riding in a shoebox behind a five year old biker, BUT we did manage to make a pretty fantastic bike trailer for her doll. 

Sure, she needed a lot of help in the execution (hot glue, x-acto knives, drills and basic knowledge of mechanics and physics), but the ideas were all hers. 

Final product: Detachable Bike Trailer for Dolls

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