
Just the Start of (the Strangest) Summer

Usually we start our summer earlier than the public school kids so at this point the past few years we are finishing up the last of school and trying to squeeze in as many beach days, spray park afternoons, and playground play dates as we can before everything is overrun with big kids. Not that I have anything against big kids-- now that I have two, but typically, parents are less likely to supervise a kid over five. And typically, those kids like to show off for their friends. And typically, that involves partaking in activities where my little guys are inadvertently hit with something or run over. Or WORSE, intentionally hit with something or run over. 
These first few weeks of summer have been nothing like the first few weeks of summer I've had as a parent. We have been home all day, every day. Lots of pool and playground and bike rides and walks. Impressively the kids have not been complaining or begging to go out. I am not missing packing up four kids, towels, bathing suits, snacks, sunscreen, extra clothes, snacks, a picnic blanket, sand toys, snacks, and lunch to go out. But it is certainly odd...

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