
100 Day, Nice Weather and a Full Weekend

Friday was a day of school the girls have been looking forward to since... maybe day 5? 100 DAY!!!! They have been so excited that when 99 DAY! came and went and I sat down in the evening ready to take a break, I suddenly realized, "I have to do something for 100 day!" And it's times like these that I am so thankful for the internet!

100 day was a huge success.

And we got to visit the Tang Museum for a story time on the road, which added to the excitement of the day.

100 day was a great way to end the week and start an exciting weekend.

Yesterday the girls and I had girls afternoon. We went downtown to Creative Sparks to paint pottery and it was so nice to spend time with just the girls and our friends: a mom and just the girls. We will have to instate a monthly girls afternoon going forward.

Now that Daddy has a camera phone too, I can steal his photos and get a glimpse of what boys afternoon looked like.

Today was a birthday party where I face-painted. It was small and low key which was just the kind of party the girls are into, so everyone had a good time.

And now to take a break before another week...

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