
Happy 9th Birthday!

Happy 9th Birthday!! It's hard to believe it has been 9 years since you came into this world and made us parents. It's been an amazing journey, watching you grow and change. You are an amazing older sister, always looking out and caring for your siblings. You are talented, confident and generous. We can't wait to see what you accomplish in your last year of single digits!

9th birthdays start with singing happy birthdays, strawberries, waffles and whipped cream. 

Then some help opening the present at the end of a scavenger hunt made my LittleL.G.

During her online Taekwondo class LittleL.G. had the honor of kicking her for her birthday. 

Due to the wind and rain from yesterday, we had more leaves in our yard than we've ever had- enough for jumping in leaf piles!

The day ended with Moe's, presents, and cake!

Happy, Happy Birthday, MiniM.E.!

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