
A Busy Thursday

After being stuck inside sick for so long, it was nice to have a busy morning scheduled.  I think we all needed to get out of the house!

LittleL.G. had her 15 month appointment in the morning.  Three shots were so sad, but she was a trooper and otherwise is doing well.  

We headed straight from the doctor to our friends' house for a playdate with E. and Baby J.  We haven't seen Baby J. for a month and he's gotten so big! MiniM.E. probably would have held him all day.

After LittleL.G.'s nap, we spent most of the afternoon outside.  Crazily, with the weather we've had (too cold and not enough snow), this was really the first time we'd been out to play this winter.

Maybe we'll get some snow to play in in February or March!



By mid-day yesterday MiniM.E. perked up and was feeling a lot better.  But not better enough to do much of anything, and it certainly wasn't outside play weather for someone just getting over a stomach bug.  So to get out some wiggles and have some fun we took a shaving cream bath.  And I took some photos of the girls... for what seems like the first time in months!

The girls had a great time putting shaving cream everywhere and it was nice to see them having fun since being stuck inside sick has cut our tempers short and made us all pretty grumpy.

This one is my favorite... LittleL.G. wanted to sit on her potty.  With her dolls.  It was all fun and games until Mommy wanted a picture.

Loving my new camera lens- just need some more practice so I can get better at taking photos of the girls...



Seems like we just can't catch a break this January.  The girls finally got over their sicknesses, but then of course I had to catch it and since nothing can just "be over," I ended up with a sinus infection. This weekend I was almost feeling back to normal and I was looking forward to starting a sick-free week, back at school and all our activities.

And then poor MiniM.E. woke up at 5am with a stomach bug.  Sigh.



Ahh, that time of year.  Sniffles and coughs and sneezes and fevers.  Or, if you have been at our house this week, all of the above.

There isn't much to blog about this week aside from the fact that we haven't left the house since Thursday.

baby trying to go to bed on the floor

both kids needed Mommy

trying so hard to stay awake and play

had to give in to sleep

As of tonight, LittleL.G. is on the mend, fever down and acting reasonably normal.  Poor MiniM.E. though... seems like it might be the flu :/  Hoping everyone feels better soon!


Happy New Year!

The start of a new year always sneaks up on me.  Hitchhiking on the back of a holiday I love and plan for months in advance and hidden in the haze of post-Christmas organizing, taking down and a little bit of a let-down from all the preparation, anticipation and excitement.

Before Mommy-hood it was a time where I would think up crazy resolutions, some I would stick to all year, and some that would go by the wayside in weeks or days.  Hardly was it ever a time to reflect on the year that passed.  Maybe I was too busy looking into the future.

But now, with the girls, it's bittersweet.  Another year and it has gone by so fast.  I just want to freeze them right here.  For just a little longer.  

I thought about doing "top10 posts of 2015" or "things I loved most about this year" but what made 2015 is the relationship these sisters have.  MiniM.E. is so in love with her little sister, and LittleL.G. looks up to MiniM.E. so much and wants to be just like her. 

Best year yet.  So much love.

Happy New Year!


The Rest of Our Christmas Trip

After Christmas MiniM.E. woke up and wanted to do it all over again.  She woke up Saturday and exclaimed, "So yesterday was Christmas DAY so today is CHRISTMAS!!!!" And then we had to crush her excitement by explaining that Christmas Day IS Christmas and that was it.  At least we had all the fun new toys to play with.

We also went outside to play in the brisk (still felt like fall and not Christmas) weather:

Hit up the grocery store where I learned that LittleL.G. loves "bread babies" the same way MiniM.E. used to love "fizzy water babies" when she was this age.  She carried this around, wouldn't let me put it on the conveyor belt (thanks, nice check out lady for scanning it in her arms) and was petting and kissing it on the way to the car.

Sunday we got in the van bright and early to drive down to CT for our annual visit with my mom's brothers.  It was a little crazy this year with four kids four and under running around.
snack time!
 But they all seemed to enjoy each other's company:

The most exciting part of our holiday travels happened on the way home when we realized at 8:00 on a Sunday night that we had a flat tire.  And that the tire iron in the van didn't fit the lugs on the wheel. Fortunately, we had only gone a couple exits from my uncle's house so he came to the rescue with one that worked to put on the donut, but it isn't recommended to travel more than 50 miles on one, so we ended up in a hotel.  As we realized that we would have to stay overnight unexpectedly, I expected the worst.  Not only did the grown ups not have changes of clothes or toothbrushes or any necessities (fortunately I brought pajamas for the girls), but MiniM.E. didn't have her blanket, which she hadn't ever slept without since she was a baby and LittleL.G. is so sleep trained with her black out shades, noise machine, blankets, sleep sacks, etc., that I figured she would be up all night. Thankfully, it worked out and with only a hitch with LittleL.G. when she wanted to leave the hotel room to go anywhere else, both girls slept.  It was definitely an adventure.

We took it easy when we got back on Monday.

Tuesday we planned come home to NY... but there was a snow storm.  At first it looked like it would let up mid-day, but it continued later than expected. We decided to leave anyway, but added another adventure to our travels by playing it safe and taking a longer route home- farther south and all highway.  Luckily, the girls slept the whole 5+ hours!

We had a great Christmas in NH but it's nice to be home!  Now we are slowly unpacking and dealing with post-Christmas blues, but like I was telling MiniM.E., without a fantastic Christmas, there would be nothing to feel let down about- and it was the best Christmas yet! (well, almost... we missed you Auntie Jen!)


Merry Christmas!

Since everyone went to bed so late last night, we were hoping for a late start to the morning.  I guess 6:30 is later than, say 5:00am.

MiniM.E. asked Santa for some surprises this year, so no one knew what to expect when we walked into the living room.  Looks like Santa wants the kids to be musicians, because he brought a drum, cymbals, a ukulele, a mini drum set and lots of small instruments.  The girls were so excited.  Our ears were to.  Who plays cymbals at 7am!?!?

It was hard to hold of the girls from the presents by the tree, but we convinced MiniM.E. to open the stockings and take a breakfast break.

It almost worked, but then MiniM.E. wanted to give LittleL.G. the present she picked out for her:

And she wanted to open LittleL.G.'s gift for her:

LittleL.G. wanted to try some shoes too

I got a new camera lens, which takes amazing photos... though I am still learning:

It was a pretty fantastic day.  MiniM.E. couldn't get through her presents fast enough, and LittleL.G. opened one present and didn't want to play with or open anything else all day.  But it worked out because MiniM.E. got to "help" open LittleL.G.'s other presents and everyone seemed happy to give and get and enjoy each other's company.  Not to mention the 65 degree weather which let us play outside, the fantastic prime rib dinner, and lots of cookies and snacks.  

Merry Christmas!