The start of a new year always sneaks up on me. Hitchhiking on the back of a holiday I love and plan for months in advance and hidden in the haze of post-Christmas organizing, taking down and a little bit of a let-down from all the preparation, anticipation and excitement.
Before Mommy-hood it was a time where I would think up crazy resolutions, some I would stick to all year, and some that would go by the wayside in weeks or days. Hardly was it ever a time to reflect on the year that passed. Maybe I was too busy looking into the future.
But now, with the girls, it's bittersweet. Another year and it has gone by so fast. I just want to freeze them right here. For just a little longer.
I thought about doing "top10 posts of 2015" or "things I loved most about this year" but what made 2015 is the relationship these sisters have. MiniM.E. is so in love with her little sister, and LittleL.G. looks up to MiniM.E. so much and wants to be just like her.
Best year yet. So much love.
Happy New Year!
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