Showing posts with label boyfriend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boyfriend. Show all posts


We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Or at least we scream in the car on the way there because Gram isn't in the car with us...

MiniM.E. is very attached to her Gram.  When she visits now (or when we visit her) MiniM.E. could care less about me.  She always wants "Gram do it".  Which is nice... I'm glad MiniM.E. loves my mom and I can't say I'm sad to have a little bit of a break.

BUT, it is a little frustrating when we do something without Gram and MiniM.E. has a cow.

At least ice cream is a good distraction and Friendly's was only five minutes from home.

yummy cone head sundae!

H. LOVES ice cream.  MiniM.E. would rather have a crayon.
 MiniM.E. was all about the ice cream for about 5 minutes. Then she was ready to go.  C. and I had a good time chatting anyway, and H. loved it!

First Kiss

We made it to NH Monday evening and it was nice to be in a germ-free house and just relax.  We were visiting my mom and my sister (my dad was on a business trip) and also my friend from high school, C. and her son, H.  We hadn't seen them since Christmas, and even then we only saw them for a few minutes, so we were all really looking forward to spending some time together.

Our week started out with sledding on Tuesday.  Except that it was warm out and the snow was really heavy so it was less sledding and more sticking, which MiniM.E. was NOT a fan of.  It might not have helped that she didn't have a nap.  No problem though because we chose to sled at a school playground, so there were other things for the kids to do.  Like swing.

Then we went home for a snack.

Things didn't seem to be going so well for the kids,

but they soon got over the sharing issue and made up with some hugs.

And then THIS happened!!!
first kiss!
Which is totally cute now, but will not be cute when they're twelve.

We might have encouraged it a little... because how cute is this?

oops! missed a little!

After H. went home MiniM.E. had a blast in the bath with some new bath toys.
tee-hee! baby bum!

love this smile...

and this face... 


Apple Picking

Sunday morning we went to an apple orchard with my parents and C. & H.

Remember H.?

isn't he a cutie? no wonder MiniM.E. has a crush on him

We went to Meadow Ledge Farm, and this time, we actually picked apples.

But first, we picked through some pumpkins

Then we got on the haytractor ride to the orchard

Ate some apples

Picked some apples (or at least looked like we were)

Rode the tractor back (while the babies ate more apples)

And played a while...

Before heading home.

The babies had a blast eating apples, picking flowers and riding the tractors.

And might I add that they have THE BEST apple cider donuts?  Seriously... any cider donut you've ever had can not compare to these ones.  They make them hot right in front of you on one of those old-fashioned donut machines and they're hot and greasy and super tasty.  mmmm... donuts....

Is it sad that the thing I write the most about is donuts??  But really... they are sooo good.


NH: Day 3

Today we spent the afternoon with MiniM.E.'s "boyfriend" H and his mom C.

MiniM.E. was excited to see H, and they played together inside for a while

 but I think she was even more excited to spend the day in the pool.  So was I.  And so were H and C.  So we were all happy campers.

Nothing beats being swung around

except maybe being thrown!

Baby surfer!

I couldn't get enough of the adorable babies in the pool... but alas, MiniM.E. needed a nap...

Afterwards we enjoyed the cool evening out on the deck.
Sunscreen: the new hair gel

Then we played for a bit inside... and might have dressed up H in a dress... because what mom doesn't need that blackmail for her son later in life?
"Look everyone I'm standing!"

"Aw, wait a minute, what's this you put me in?  A DRESS?!?"

As you can see, H really wore MiniM.E. out...