Showing posts with label bath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bath. Show all posts


Two is More Fun than One

This weekend Bob is visiting his brother in Long Island.  Usually, I like a little mommy-daughter time, but lately our days have been looooonnngg, and I have to say I was a little worried about having MiniM.E. all to myself overnight last night (Gram came to the rescue today!!).

To top it off, I also agreed to baby-sit one of MiniM.E.'s friends while her parents went out for a Valentine's dinner.  Again, usually would sound like fun, but MiniM.E. has been quite demanding... add to that her newfound anti-sharing sentiments and I was more than a little concerned about how our evening would unfold.

A. was a little timid at first, but MiniM.E. immediately stepped it up and instead of insisting that A. went home right away (as I expected), she went right over, cradled her cheeks and said, "It's okay, your mommy and daddy will be back to pick you up soon."  Then she brought her in and showed her around.  Dinner was first on the agenda, and once the girls were full of yummy dinner (brought by A.'s mom), they played and played.  Lots of water was involved...

All in all, I have to say having two two-year-olds was much easier than having just MiniM.E.  They kept each other occupied (I washed the dishes after dinner!!) and laughed and giggled and were in great spirits the whole time.  Thanks for coming over, A.!  You made the night much easier for MiniM.E.'s mom :)


Guess What We've Been Up To?

Throwing rocks in the stream

Saying "Hi" to our favorite puppy

Playing in the sandbox

Taking a bath with shaving cream 
Painting the yard with chalk paint

And biking.
Notice something about all these photos?  Somebody isn't wearing diapers... We have all new big-kid underwear!
THE cutest baby bum
We aren't out of the woods yet, but she's got it down.  Congratulations MiniM.E.!


The Rest of Our Week in NH

Gram bought MiniM.E. an awesome kiddie pool with a slide!!  (We went in the big pool too, but it was COLD and didn't last long...)

eating snacks

more snacks

ooo! what's that?

seriously? more pictures?

We went to the Monkey Around Playground (which my parents, sister and I helped build years ago, but we never really used because we were too old):

We stopped at the mall and "rode" in the mechanical cars:

And went to Krazy Kids, and indoor playground:

We got to see C. & H. for some swimming, swinging and a playground:

too cute!

And of course, we had fun in the bath:

MiniM.E. and I had a great week.... so great, we're going back next week!


An Early Egg Hunt

Easter isn't here yet but MiniM.E. is ready.  We've been practicing.

Practicing Easter?!?! Well, practicing the egg part.  Opening them.  To get the treats inside.  Like at an Easter Egg Hunt.

Why? Well... it all started with the fuzzy in the bath... 

A couple weeks ago MiniM.E. was in the bath.  She LOVES the bath.  So much that she asks for it in the morning and all through the day until it actually is bath time.  At least, she used to... She would stay in so long that her fingers would get all pruny and she would beg me to "wash it off," which, of course, I couldn't, but laughed at anyway.

So she was in the bath.  With lots of toys.  And bubbles.  And she looks into the water and sees a fuzzy (for those of you not versed in the vocabulary of all things small, dark, and potentially dirty, fuzzy is a piece of lint or cloth, usually the remnants of wearing socks) float by her foot.  I saw her do a double take, but the fuzzy must have floated along under some bubbles.  

Moments later, the fuzzy returned.  MiniM.E. saw it, looked alarmed.  JUMPED up, reached for me stamping and hyperventilating and screamed, "BUG!"

I collected her from the tub, comforted her and said, "Baby, it's just a fuzzy!"  "FUZZY?!?!" She screamed, as though I'd told her it was a baby-eating monster.  "No, it doesn't hurt, it isn't scary, it's just a piece of sock!"  I even took it out to show it to her. 

The damage was done.

The fuzzy incident resulted in almost a week of not bathing followed by a week of bathing in which Mommy had to "get in too".  

I think we're over it now.  Though the occasional, "just fuzzy, piece of sock," can be heard in the midst of some of MiniM.E.'s rambles.

So, to connect fuzzies with Easter, I bought a ton of Easter eggs to put in the bath thinking it would encourage MiniM.E. to jump in (it didn't).  But she did like to play with them OUT of the bath, and is now extremely good at opening them.

Which is why we are so prepared for Easter (Egg Hunting).

Earlier this week we met with some friends for an Easter Egg Hunt at the Spa Park.
ready to hunt!
The girls are still months apart and at this age, you can really tell the difference.
MiniM.E. just wanted to open the eggs.

A. wanted to eat things (eggs, pinecones, but mostly the treats in the eggs)

H. just wanted to collect them.
 They all seemed to have a good time, though with the exception of H., they were more excited to be outside that to actually search for eggs.

the slinky was a big hit
 MiniM.E.'s favorite part of the afternoon was eating snow.

And walking down the hills.

"Come on A.! It's easy!!"
Happy Early Easter!