
Just Summer Days

It's a lot of playing in the yard, taking walks in the neighborhood, the occasional trip to the store, and once in a while, a fun project like painting on the driveway. 



Missing Our Friends

We have been fine this summer at home by ourselves or in NH with Gram and Grumpy, but as time wears on, we miss our friends more and more. Most recently, my mom friends and I took a social distancing walk at the state park, and we met up with a close homeschooling family to go blueberry picking (and eat ice cream, of course!).



The Toothfairy Returns

LittleL.G. was crazy just yanking her first loose tooth right out of her mouth. The second tooth hung on for a lot longer. She was more hesitant to get it out, maybe since she knew what pulling the first one felt like. She isn't very stoic when it comes to uncomfortable teeth, so it has been a long few weeks. 

Then last night at dinner, her food tasted funny (because her tooth got all cockeyed and started bleeding) which was enough to convince her to just yank it. 

At the rate this kid is losing teeth, she'll be toothless by Christmas!


Back to NH

With the pandemic still on our minds, and social distancing protocols still in place, we are so grateful to be able to spend time with Gram and Grumpy at their house. It is fantastic to have the kid-friendliest back yard right outside, and the extra help when the kids have spent all too much time together. 

We haven't been to any playgrounds since the start of COVID, but there is an elementary school a mile or so from my parents house that I usually run past. Having never seen anyone there, we decided to give it a try. It was so good for the kids to get out and run around and use their bodies. I think they really enjoyed the change of scenery.

Clearly, it wore them out!



Brotherly Love, A Socially Distanced Piñata Party, and A Belt Ceremony!

These boys are too cute. Mr.T. follows SlimJim around like a puppy and SlimJim eats it up. 

Over the weekend we went to a socially distanced pinata party. Super cute idea- each family got a hula hoop circle to stand in, and we all brought our bats to hit the pinata. When it broke, flowers fell out and each family had a bag of candy and prizes to dump on our kids. So fun, but it will be nice when we can celebrate birthdays with a little less caution.
Today, the girls were thrilled to be able to attend Taekwondo in person. The school moved from their old space to a new location with plenty of outdoor space, perfect for socially distanced classes. Since a belt ceremony has to be in person, they added it to the class this evening and both girls got their new belts!