
Visiting NH: The Amoskeag Fishways

Last week was school vacation week for kids in school around us. We chose to school straight through while making time to see our school friends since MiniM.E. rarely gets to spend time with her friends.

This week, we are in NH, even though it is their school vacation week, which makes a lot of the places we usually go in the winter VERY crowded. It does, however, lend itself to activities that wouldn't otherwise happen- like the crafts and critter show at the Amoskeag Fishways.

It was a small museum, but cute and interesting for a couple hours. We met a frog and a turtle and the girls did a few crafts while SlimJim pretended to be a fish on the kid fish ladder.

Bonus: it counts as school!!


A Winter Walk

We met up with friends today to take a walk at the Saratoga State Park. We thought it was going to be warm, but it was actually pretty chilly. Despite the cold weather, the kids were in good spirits and the big girls, especially, had a great time.


These Kids...

So silly...
holding a cat

"cat nap"

hide and seek

playing baby

"sledding" on the snowplow hills

And so sweet...


Lake George Winterfest

Weekends in the winter are challenging. The kids are super excited for Daddy to be home, but with Baby4 and cold weather and nap time it can be challenging to find things for us to do as a family.

This weekend was one of four that Lake George hosts their annual Winter Fest. We've been before and not been super impressed with the quantity of activity for kids, but we decided to brave the weather and check it out this year with the main goal of seeing the fireworks at 6pm.

We arrived with only a couple hours, which turned out to be just the right amount of time to hang around. After walking on the frozen lake and and seeing the helicopter land and take off a bunch of times, we headed back to the beach for s'mores by a campfire.

All was great until SlimJim realized the beach had water and despite the frigid temperatures, he wanted to swim.

So we took a walk. And shortly after had to find a cafe off the beaten path that wasn't teeming with people where LittleL.G. could warm her feet which were actually super cold. So feet warmed, snack had, we walked back to the park above the beach and arrived just in time to see the fireworks.

And made it home for our usual bedtime!


A Trip to the ER

...for SlimJim... the first but probably not the last.

Poor kid. He took a huge tumble in the McDonald's Play Place this afternoon. Cried a bunch, but calmed down, ate some fries and kept playing. We got home and he took a nap.

Fast forward, he wakes up super early from his nap, won't stop crying and refuses to be put down.

Of course, I think of the fall earlier and call the phone nurse. To be safe, she has us come in. Fortunately we live close and even though the weather is getting bad with the incoming storm, we could make it to an appointment in a half hour.

The doctor says he's probably just got a terrible headache and gives me the list of symptoms not to ignore and to head to the ER for- vomiting being one of them- and not a minute later he throws up on the floor.

So we rush over to the ER.

Thank goodness Daddy had left work early because of the snow and could meet us there to pick up the girls.

AND thank goodness SlimJim must have just had a stomach bug, because not long after we arrived and were seen and decided to stick with observation for an hour he was emptying the automatic paper towel dispenser, running in the halls and was back to himself. Phew!!