
A Trip to the ER

...for SlimJim... the first but probably not the last.

Poor kid. He took a huge tumble in the McDonald's Play Place this afternoon. Cried a bunch, but calmed down, ate some fries and kept playing. We got home and he took a nap.

Fast forward, he wakes up super early from his nap, won't stop crying and refuses to be put down.

Of course, I think of the fall earlier and call the phone nurse. To be safe, she has us come in. Fortunately we live close and even though the weather is getting bad with the incoming storm, we could make it to an appointment in a half hour.

The doctor says he's probably just got a terrible headache and gives me the list of symptoms not to ignore and to head to the ER for- vomiting being one of them- and not a minute later he throws up on the floor.

So we rush over to the ER.

Thank goodness Daddy had left work early because of the snow and could meet us there to pick up the girls.

AND thank goodness SlimJim must have just had a stomach bug, because not long after we arrived and were seen and decided to stick with observation for an hour he was emptying the automatic paper towel dispenser, running in the halls and was back to himself. Phew!!


Skating on the Field

All the warm weather last week and then the cooler weather made an epic ice rink on the field by our neighborhood. So much fun!

Our First Solo Week

This week we were solo. Daddy was at work, Gram went home, so our weekdays were just the five of us. Mom outnumbered by four kids. It actually went really well. We kept busy and I kept everyone alive. Success.

We started the week at Wilton Wildlife for their animal tracking nature hour. Not such a hit...
But sledding afterwards, though treacherous, was fun. No opportunity for photos when sledding with three kids and a baby...

The weather was so nice Tuesday I took the kids to the playground. A little too nice... very wet and slushy. At first at least one kid wasn't happy to be there, but they all ended up having a good time.

Later in the day Baby got his first bath.

It wore him out!

Before music class we took a walk downtown.

Wednesday SlimJim decided to eat his oatmeal all by himself.

Thursday I made the kids play outside. In hindsight, not the smartest idea, since they ended up swimming in the puddles...

And Friday our big excitement was taking Baby to his doctor's appointment.


Roller Skating and Meeting Friends

Today was the monthly homeschool day at a nearby roller rink and activity center. For the first time, SlimJim wanted to try skating too. It was pretty adorable.

And in other news, being the fourth baby, Baby4 has totally been out to all the germ infested play places and loves meeting MiniM.E.'s friends. He's going to have a stellar immune system.


Billy Beez

Today we ventured down to Albany to try out Billy Beez. We've been wanting to go for a while, but I heard it was very busy on the weekends (confirmed by the lady that worked there) and it's super expensive. But we needed a get out of the house day and the kids needed to burn off some steam.

It was AMAZING. Totally worth the money, if we had been able to stay all day. And awesome because it was a weekday so it was almost empty.

We had a great time and wore the kids out!


Winter Fun

Since it will be hard to get all the kids out to go sledding this winter, Daddy made a mini sledding hill in the yard with the snowblower. Even though it's not too big, it's pretty fun, and definitely gives the kids something else to do when they play in the yard. 

It's also fun to walk down to the cul de sac down the street and play on the giant piles left by the snowplow.