
A Weekend of Birthdays

To end the weekend of birthdays, a quick recap of all the festivities.

Friday we took LittleL.G. to storytime at the firehouse, which she loved. 

Gram was here and Grumpy arrived in time for cupcakes and singing.

Saturday, we had a small backyard get together (which quickly turned into an all out unicorn party, complete with pinata). 

Sunday we went to a playground for MiniM.E. (and Daddy?)

And of course there were lots of cake, cupcakes and presents and cute babies wearing hats. 

I think it was a hugely successful birthday weekend. And birthday weekend always starts the whirlwind of the holiday season... here we go!

Happy 6th Birthday MiniM.E.!

You grow so much every year but somehow you seemed to grow so much this year. You've grown from a shy kindergartener into an outgoing, smart, funny first grader.

You make me so proud in so many ways. You are silly and smart, quick and eager to learn, sympathetic and empathetic, proud and determined, helpful and caring. You seem so much older than your years that just now require the use of fingers on two hands. Sometimes I forget you are still just six and I get frustrated when your emotions run wild and the tears stream down your face. But I am so impressed with you in the moments when we can talk like adults or when you take care of your siblings, when you jump into something new with so much ambition or when you sit quietly reading chapter books. 

I love watching you go about your days, whether it's playing with your siblings or creating something, playing outside or reading a book. I feel so fortunate I get to spend all day every day with you. I can't wait to see what the next year brings!


Happy Birthday LittleL.G.

Happy Birthday to my newly "middled" child. You have fallen so fantastically into your new role. You are such a sweet and caring big sister and you never fail to keep us laughing and entertained. You've grown into a smart, hilarious, entertaining preschooler. 

I love watching you try to be a big kid like MiniM.E.; learning to "read" and write and ride a scooter and take dance classes. I love watching to make BabySlimJim smile and laugh. I love the way you help whenever you can. And I love how you brighten every day. Happy 3rd Birthday!!


Apple Picking

It's hard to believe that it's mid-October and we haven't been apple picking yet. With school and three kids life just gets in the way...

But it wouldn't be fall without it, so today we met up with some friends at Bowman Orchards for some end-of season apple picking, ice cream eating and playground playing.

I'm so glad we made it!


School and the Lake

Yesterday Saratoga was off from school for Columbus Day so we had one of MiniM.E.'s friends join us for the day so she could see what homeschooling was like. We tried to show off the most exciting things we've been working on. We continued learning about moon phases, made metal tooled cuff bracelets for our Hispanic Heratige unit and played lots of math games.

Today the weather was beautiful so we spent the afternoon at Moreau Lake enjoying the foliage and playing on the beach. We tried searching for salamanders but it must not be salamander season anymore! Instead of collecting salamanders, we collected some beautiful leaves!

Leaves & Sunnyside Gardens

Today we took the leaves we collected at the lake yesterday and did a leaf chromatology project. One of my favorite things about school at home is having the freedom to find cool projects to match MiniM.E.'s interests, or experiments that are relevant to the season. This experiment I found on Pinterest and seemed really cool, until I realized (after we were knee deep and I searched for someone else's take on the experiment for clarification) that it really should have been done in the summer. Oh well, lesson learned. Always check for someone else's take. And no big deal because it was still a cool project and MiniM.E. isn't quite old enough to grasp the science behind the whole thing anyway.

Later we met our friends for our annual Sunnyside Garden trip. We always go together at least once a year and take the obligatory wagon photo.

For the last four years we've added a kid to the group. We need a bigger wagon!

the original three

and now there are seven!


Fall Festival, Uncle Billy and Aunt Donya and Yaddo Gardens

This weekend we headed to West Mountain for their fall festival. The weather was drizzly but it kept the crowds away! We rode a "haunted hayride", the kids bounced in some bounce houses and we took our first family scenic chairlift ride. There was a wait to get down from the top of the mountain, but it forced us to take a hike and we ended up at a scenic overlook called the Crow's Nest with a beautiful view.

Late that evening Uncle Billy and Aunt Donya drove up from Long Island to visit. The girls were sleeping when they arrived. Yesterday we went to church, ate at Five Points Deli, played outside and ended the day with a ghost tour of the Yaddo Gardens.