
Naps and Coffee Downtown

New babies sure sleep a lot! And BabySlimJim is no exception.

The girls love holding a sleeping baby.

And sometimes having a sleeping baby is exhausting for the "old baby" too.

Today we met friends downtown for coffee and some BabySlimJim cuddles.


First Bath!

Baby 3's umbilical stump fell off almost a week ago, but it looked so yucky that I didn't dare put him in the tub until we had our doctor's appointment today.

The girls have been anxiously awaiting bathtime!

It was adorable. And Baby 3 really seemed not to mind. No crying, and an epic nap afterwards.


Out And About!

We were lucky to have two weeks of extra help at home- Daddy took a week of paternity leave starting the week after we came home from the hospital, and when Daddy went back to work this week, Gram came back to help out.

It has been nice for recovering Mommy and Baby 3 to have lots of time to rest while the extra adult took the girls somewhere. But since I was home, I don't have any evidence of what they did while they were away.

By the end of last week I took the three kids on some solo outings, and this week we have been out and about a lot more- trying to take advantage of the portability of a super new baby that just sleeps all the time!

And there is still a lot of free time spent cuddling and admiring our new little human.


Our First Days Home With A Baby

This weekend Grumpy came back to visit and meet the baby. It was nice to have all hands on deck because I am still recovering from the quick delivery, Gram is tired from watching the girls, Daddy is tired because we only got two hours of sleep Tuesday night at the hospital, and the girls are tired from their schedule being disrupted and going to bed late.

We had friends stop by to meet the baby and bring us snacks:

Gram and Grumpy went home and this week we are just the five of us. We are all getting used to life with a baby.

He's pretty cute, which makes up for all the crying and pooping.

Even though it's a big change for the girls, they are excited to have him. They love holding him and shower him with love and kisses. LittleL.G. keeps asking if we can keep him.


Our little guy is such a perfect addition to our family!


We Are Home!

After another day in the hospital...

It was finally time to come home! Everyone was ready, two and a half days was too long to be away.

Friday night we had a little birthday celebration for Baby 3.

And have just been enjoying baby cuddles and watching him sleep!


He's Here!

Monday and Tuesday were more of the same... hanging around, trying to rest, playing...

Until Tuesday night after dinner when my water broke and it was go time! Two and a half hours later, he was here and we couldn't be more in love.

The girls came to visit twice today, and they are over the moon for him. He is so lucky to have two amazing big sisters.

We are stuck here in the hospital til Friday because he came so fast and needs to be monitored for possible infection, but we are doing well and can't wait to come home!


One More Weekend With Just the Four of Us

Over the weekend we were still waiting...

Gram has been here, on call for when the baby comes, for a while so Grumpy came for the weekend to help with the girls (and see his wife!). It was a welcome distraction from the waiting.

MiniM.E. had soccer Saturday morning.

Sunday MiniM.E. sang at both church services. Then, since the weather was nice and it was opening weekend at the Great Escape AND bring a friend free day, we decided to head up and spend the afternoon riding rides... and maybe walking the baby out?

No such luck on the arrival of Baby 3. But the girls had a great afternoon!