
Dance Take 2!

MiniM.E had her second dance class yesterday and loved it.  I can't get over how cute lots of little girls in tutus are!


Ellm's Family Farm Opened This Weekend!

And because it is by far MiniM.E.'s favorite thing about fall (and possibly the whole year) we had to go!  She has been waiting to go back to Ellm's since it closed last year.  It was even better this year because in addition to all of our favorite things like the zip line and the moo moo choo choo they added a new train, a new jumping pad, some jumping tires and more!

MiniM.E. was off and running from the start but LittleL.G. isn't quite walking yet and most of the Ellm's activities are a little too much for her so she was stuck on Mommy's back for a while...

But after seeing MiniM.E. on the roller coasters, she was ready to play too!

She even wanted to try the big roller coaster!

new train family selfie

old jumping pillow
new jumping pillow

tube slide

moo moo choo choo

MiniM.E. loves Ellm's so much and LittleL.G. had a good time even though she is too small for some of the fun so we bought season passes.  How could we not!? See you soon Ellm's!


Lake George Jazz Festival

Yesterday we met up with some friends at the Lake George for the Jazz Festival.  It was a relaxing afternoon with a few jazz concerts.  We set up our camping chairs and a picnic blanket close enough to see the beach and the playground and hear the music.  MiniM.E. and O. could play in the sand while LittleL.G. played on the blanket.  

The weather was perfect.  Comfortable in the shade and warm in the sun.  So warm that even though we didn't bring suits, the girls both went swimming!

We listened to music, played on the playground and in the sand and took a few walks.  We had such a great time that we decided to stay for the fireworks at 9:15.  LittleL.G. fell asleep at 7:30 and MiniM.E. didn't last much longer, curling up in the wagon for a rest around 8.  We woke her up for the fireworks but she was so tired I'm not sure she ever really woke up.  LittleL.G. woke up and was beyond excited to see fireworks, but in typical MiniM.E.-fashion, she decided half way through that the fireworks were too loud and we had to go home.  Oh well.  It was nice to relax by the beach and at least we got to see a few fireworks.  Maybe she will like them more next year.


Lots of SPAC!

Technically, SPAC is the Saratoga Performing Arts Center.  But for some reason, since we've lived here (and especially at the old house where we were only minutes away), we have called the Saratoga Spa State Park, SPAC.  I guess since SPAC is at the state park?  Anyhow, its been more than four years, so there's no changing it now... 

We have been to SPAC every day this week.  It always sounds nice to go and take a walk on the trails there or visit one of the many playgrounds, but from our house now it takes a good 20 minutes- 25 with traffic, to get there and the girls would probably choose to do something else.

But since school started, we are already halfway there when I pick her up.  And she is so excited about riding her bike that it gives us someplace new to practice.  And who can say no to playground and picnic lunch?

So Monday we practiced biking and had our picnic lunch at the playground.

Yesterday we took a walk with our friends in the late afternoon.  ALL the girls biked (which was adorable) and then ALL the girls got tired.  Here they are taking a break: 
too cute! being a preschooler is rough!

a tailgating, post work-out snack break
 Since MiniM.E. is a creature of habit, she requested playground and picnic after school today too.  So we headed to SPAC, did a bike loop, and found a new playground we've never tried.  Check it out in the back of this LittleL.G. photo: everything is nature inspired- fake rock steps, fake log climbers and slide supports, rope ladders... very cool.

Definitely our new favorite shade playground.

MiniM.E. wants to find them all.  I'll keep you posted!


MiniM.E. Takes Dance: Take 1

Yesterday MiniM.E. started ballet class for the first time.  (Let's pretend last year's attempt at taking dance class for the first time at the YMCA didn't happen since they didn't allow the parent participation the program description called for and since they actually didn't teach any dance so we asked for a refund.)

She has been so excited for the past few weeks.  She loves watching ballerinas and was thrilled when her dance outfit came- leotard, tights and ballet shoes.  But boy, when those TAP SHOES arrived, she found her new love.  What kid wouldn't want to dance around in shoes that make extra noise?!?!?

I was a little concerned about how she would do because she has repeatedly told me she doesn't want to take any classes that Mommy can't come to (I am flattered that she wants me to be there for everything), it is at 4:30- right at the time of day when everyone realizes they are tired and hungry but it isn't quite time for dinner, and it is on a school day and school WEARS. HER. OUT.

After a bit of a crying moment at the beginning, she did GREAT! She participated in everything, listened to directions, and even danced in the middle of the circle, which was optional.

Bursting with pride for my almost four year old.


11 Months?

Where did the time go?  I cannot believe we are one month away from LittleL.G.'s first birthday!

Happy 11 Months LittleL.G.!

(and 3 years 11 months, MiniM.E.!)


TreePaad and Malta Community Day

Thursday we headed to one of our favorite "inside activity" locations, the TreePaad.  It actually wasn't a terrible day, but rain was in the forecast and it was a great opportunity to go since all the big kids are back in school.

When LittleL.G. wasn't riding in this car:

I was chasing her around, so I don't have much documentation of our trip other than this slide video:

but we had a blast and I definitely see us there a lot once it gets cold.

Friday MiniM.E. had a great day at school.  We celebrated with lunch and ice cream downtown.

Yesterday was Malta Community Day which we have been to the past few years and both the girls had a great time.  It was a nice fall-weather day and it was fun to do something outside.
MiniM.E. loved the inflatable slide

and the pony ride.

LittleL.G. got a pony ride too!

and MiniM.E. climbed to the top of this for the first time

and sat in this car with a cheesy smile? (Bob took this one)