
A NH Week

We just got back from enjoying a great week in NH with all the fun of Gram and Grumpy's house and Auntie Jen! 

magic fire!


Welcome to NH, Auntie Jen!

Last week Auntie Jen moved from Virginia to Hampton, NH. We are so excited that she is only a couple hours away instead of 11! Yesterday we stopped for the afternoon at her new house on our way to NH for the week. We had a great time seeing her house, checking out her new town and having a pizza lunch before we continued our trip and ended the day at Gram and Grumpy's. Hoping to see Auntie Jen a couple more times this week!

Bath Time!


Animal Land

One of our favorite summer destinations is Animal Land. Somehow our summer was so busy last year that we never made it. The weather today was in the 70s and Daddy already had the day off so we decided Animal Land would be the perfect way to end the week.


Lots of Rest and Just Hanging Around

This week Daddy was off work to get some things done around the house and to spend time with the kids while I got things ready for school. With SlimJim in the thick of the virus and feeling pretty terrible, things didn't really go as planned.

There were a couple days off from swim, and more splitting up of parents and kids than we intended. We tried to get things done, get ready for school, and get the kids healthy.

I think everyone is better enough for us to take the last day of Daddy's week off to do a day trip to Animal Land!