
What Have We Been Doing?

Well... it's kind of hard to say...

With the wintery weather outside, we've been playing in a a lot. Getting school done. Library, mall, driving kids to activities. Seems like a lot of the same with not a lot to show for it...

Here are some highlights:

MiniM.E. received her 2nd grade bible at church

BabySlimJim eats primarily condiments

Girls and dolls dress up in Christmas clothes from Meamaw and Grandpa

We make a box house

Our new favorite activity is the carwash
Doll house acrobatics

Table acrobatics

Sink acrobatics

Photos with drawings of stuffed animals
And a playground in the snow


Cutting Down the Tree

Even though we are just a bit early this year, we decided to cut down our tree this weekend since we are traveling to NH for Thanksgiving weekend. Usually we cut the tree down the weekend after Thanksgiving... but we won't be home to cut or decorate it, and I love having the tree so much that I just can't wait until the weekend after that to put it up.

We went back to Bob's this year, even though it was early and none of their activities like Christmas carols or sleigh rides or even the reindeer are happening yet. We thought about going someplace closer, but NO ONE is open for tree cutting before Thanksgiving.

I have to say, actually traipsing through the snow to search for trees always seems much more glamorous than it really is. This year was no exception, with BabySlimJim on a sled, only excited to be pulled through the snow for five or so minutes, LittleL.G. crying because the 4" of snow were too hard to walk through and MiniM.E. insisting SHE had to choose the tree... but we eventually found an agreeable choice and no one was worse for wear.

We even got it in the house and put the lights on!


Playing in the Snow

What a crazy November for weather!! We are loving playing in the snow. The girls are finally able to play together outside for a while, and I'm pretty sure BabySlimJim would stay out in the snow all day if I let him, even though he can't walk more than two in his snowsuit without face-planting into the snow...


This Guy

We are so thankful to have BabySlimJim. He makes us laugh all day long. He is just the funniest little guy, always doing ridiculous things.

just relaxing with MiniM.E.

or sitting ON the box of blocks

insisting on sitting at the "big kid" side of the table

or playing IN the toy box.


Big News at Tae Kwon Do!

Big news for MiniM.E. at Tae Kwon Do this month: she earned the Student of the Month Belt! The special red, white and blue belt is awarded to an exemplary student each month and for the whole month of November she will be the highest rank at any class she attends. So we will probably be going to Tae Kwon Do as often as we can this month. 

Congratulations, MiniM.E.! We are so proud of you!


Happy Halloween!

The girls are more excited about Halloween this year than I have seen them yet. We've tried on costumes about a zillion times. Yesterday they got to dress up for music, which they were pretty thrilled about- an extra time to dress up!

Then we carved pumpkins. Thanks to Auntie Jen for helping get all the gunk out over the weekend, because that is definitely the worst part!

Today the girls eagerly awaited evening so we could get ready to go trick or treating! First came the face paint...

And finally it was time to get dressed and go!

This year we skipped our street in favor of the "square" part of the neighborhood so we could hit both sides of the street without doubling back. Even BabySlimJim was excited and did his fair share of running up to doors to Trick-Or-Treat with the girls. He didn't really get it, and tried to give people his candy instead, but he still seemed to have a good time. The girls loved it and couldn't get enough and we almost had to drag them home at 7:45! What a Happy Halloween!


Happy Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated the girls' birthday one more time with a giant blow up Elsa, Auntie Jen, and a big backyard party.

 There was cake:

Donut eating:

A pinata:

And presents, for the friends that hung around long enough to see some opening...

Everything a good party needs. We were worried because it was such a cold day, but everyone seemed to have a great time. Thanks to Auntie Jen and Dan and Gram and Grumpy for helping to get it set up and to everyone who came out to celebrate! Happy Birthday one last time, girls!