Yesterday after breakfast we headed out to get Doughnuts from a cute shop in downtown Hampton. Then we stopped at the beach one last time to feed the seagulls.
After the beach, we headed to Auntie Jen's to say goodbye to Dan and Little Kitty.
Then it was back to the hotel to pack up and head out.
Even though we left on time right around noon, the 6+ hour estimated drive still took much longer than we expected after all the stops for snacks and leg stretching and bathrooms, etc. and even though we planned to get to our mid-drive hotel in time to swim before bed, we didn't end up arriving until after LittleL.G. had already fallen asleep and it was 9:40! Thankfully MiniM.E. was tired too and didn't put up a fuss about missing the pool.
Today we got up, ate breakfast and had a nice swim. We tried to hang around the hotel for a while hoping the girls would sleep a good part of the rest of the drive. MiniM.E. slept for a while, but LittleL.G. didn't fall asleep until we got off the highway at our exit and was so excited to see home that she didn't stay asleep when we got here. Oh well- early bedtime tonight?
It was a fantastic trip and I was so proud of the girls. Hope we can visit again in the fall!