
How the First Week Went

I couldn't have hoped for our first week of school to run any smoother than it did.  Both the girls seem to thrive on the new schedule, MiniM.E.'s behavior has been fantastic, we are doing TONS of learning and we still have LOADS of time to play.  But, boy... are we all exhausted!

The best part of our homeschool schedule is that the actual academics only take a couple hours.  We have plenty of time to learn about things MiniM.E. is interested in, do lots of art projects, and still fit in time for... 

swimming in the yard:

playdates at the playground:

and less fun things like today's grocery shopping trip... all during the school day.

After week one MiniM.E. loves school and was crushed this morning when she found out we won't be doing school on the weekends.  Too cute!

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