
A Field Trip and A Birthday Party

Yesterday we had a very busy morning.  We started out at the State Park for a school field trip where our nature guide led us on a walk and we all learned about how to use our five senses to explore nature.  The best part was choosing crayons from a bag and finding things in nature that matched the colors.  MiniM.E. got pink the first time and it was really tricky! Not a lot of pink in nature.  But she finally found a leaf that was pink-ish and was so proud of herself for finding something that was the trickiest color. 

It was a long walk for little legs and MiniM.E. got tired towards the end (and a little complain-y) but we had a good time- what a neat idea for a field trip!

While the rest of the class stayed to play at the playground and have snack, MiniM.E. and I jumped in the car to drive down to Ellm's Farm for a birthday party.  We were a little late since we had the field trip at school so we didn't have as much time to play as MiniM.E. would have liked, but she got to do the zip line a few times and we went on a hayride and picked out pumpkins and got to ride the moo moo choo choo.

While MiniM.E. was sad to leave, knowing that Gram was going to be at our house when we got home made it better!

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